Dermaplaning vs. Shaving: Which is Best for Your Skin?

If you spend even the smallest amount of time within skincare, you’ll be told about the importance of exfoliation. There are a multitude of different methods to exfoliate, each with their own benefits and contraindications depending on your skin. Dermaplaning is one such method that often, incorrectly, gets compared to shaving. Let’s go over the basics of dermaplaning vs shaving, its benefits, and some common myths surrounding hair removal as a whole.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that removes dead skin cells by gently scraping the surface of your skin. It is a non-invasive treatment option with no downtime or discomfort! JE’DERM skin atelier offers it as a standalone option, or added as a part of our Bespoke Facial to combine results with other treatments. Our standalone dermaplaning option also includes an enzyme peel and LED light therapy, finished with customized serums, moisturizer, and SPF.

The Tool Used For Dermaplaning

Unlike the razor you may use at home that has multiple, small blades, the dermaplaning tool is a sterile, surgical-grade scalpel. It requires the esthetician to hold the scalpel at a 45 degree angle in order to achieve the best results. There are cheap dermaplaning tools available for at-home use, but for best results we recommend that you always go to a professional when seeking advanced skincare treatments.

An Overview Of Dermaplaning Vs Shaving

Compared to shaving, dermaplaning is primarily a method of exfoliation for your face that has a side effect of removing peach fuzz (vellus hair). It removes oil, debris, dead cells, and dirt buildup from the surface of your skin. On the other hand, at-home shaving solely removes the hair but doesn’t go nearly as far in terms of smoothness, exfoliation, or renewal of the skin.

Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, except for those who have active acne. Those who are pregnant may choose this exfoliation option over others due to how gentle it is compared to something like chemical peels.

Proper Aftercare Steps

Aftercare for dermaplaning is fairly simple. The most important thing you can do to take care of your skin after dermaplaning is avoid direct sunlight! Applying sunscreen while outside is always important to protect your skin, but especially so right after exfoliating. Your newer skin cells are exposed and vulnerable to UV rays.

What Are The Benefits Of Dermaplaning?

Many of the benefits from dermaplaning come from the exfoliating nature of the treatment. Right after your appointment, you’ll find that your face will practically glow, and your face feels incredibly soft and smooth. Other benefits include:

  • Allows for better and deeper penetration of other ingredients and products

  • Brightens and evens skin tone, helping reduce hyperpigmentation

  • Improves the appearance of acne scars

  • Reduces prominence of fine lines and wrinkles

How Long Does Dermaplaning Last?

To achieve best results, dermaplaning should be used in addition to other facial treatments, and a great at-home skincare routine. You can expect the immediate results from dermaplaning to last for about three weeks, at which point you should book another appointment. That sparse peach fuzz may start to grow back after about a week, though.

Dispelling Myths About Facial Hair Removal

Whenever the removal of hair is brought up, specifically facial hair, many myths get thrown out in regular conversation. The truth of the matter is that through any method, be it waxing, dermaplaning, or shaving, hair does not grow back thicker or darker. 

Where To Go For A Dermaplaning Treatment

While shaving is a simple process that you’ve likely performed at home plenty of times already, dermaplaning isn’t. To ensure the best possible results, and to avoid mistakes and unwanted side effects, go to a professional, licensed esthetician.

Potential Side Effects Of At-Home Dermaplaning

Not everyone who attempts at-home dermaplaning experiences side effects. That being said, there are potential risks with trying to perform a treatment on yourself without experience. People have reported infection, dry patches, slight scarring, and unnecessary pain. Also, your skin won’t see the same results that you would from a professional.

In The Hands Of A Licensed Esthetician 

When you go to an esthetician, you get a personalized experience for your skin. Not only will the dermaplaning itself be relaxing and perfectly executed, but products and serums are chosen specifically for your skin type and concerns. They’ll also help make sure you know how to properly prevent ingrown hairs from appearing.

If you’re interested in booking a dermaplaning appointment, contact JE’DERM skin atelier with any further questions or concerns you may have. We have a passion for educating clients about how to achieve their skincare goals in an intimate, cozy atmosphere. Book your first appointment with us today!


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